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  一、最近十二個月成品質量抽查的統計數據 Last 12 months final pre-shipment quality audit statistical data

  二、最近十二個月准時交貨的統計數據 Last 12 months on time delivery statistical data

  三、廠房平面圖 Factory Layout Diagram

  四、員工招聘 Recruitment

  1、招聘守則 Guidelines for Recruitment

  2、職位說明書 Job Description

  五、員工培訓 Employee Training

  1、員工守則培訓課程大綱 Factory Rules and Regulations for Employees

  2、 員工培訓紀錄 Records of Employee Training

  3、個別崗位特殊技能培訓課程大綱 Training contents of skills required for Individual post

  六、消防安全政策和操作程序 Fire Safety Precaution Policies and Operating Procedures


  We expect the factory maintain a safe working environment with regular review and monitor on:

  1、有足夠的應急出口和保持通道暢通無阻 Sufficient emergency exits and unblocked passage

  2、在適當的位置有足夠的消防滅火設施、如滅火器、消防龍頭、應急燈、出口指示標志和逃生線路圖等等。這些都要符合中華人民共和國GBJ16-87和GBJ14 標准

  Sufficient fire fighting equipment are in place, e.g. fire extinguishers, water hydrants, emergency light and exit sign, evacuation diagram, etc. which meets PRC National Standard GBJ16-87 and GBJ140

  3、將易燃化學品(如油漆、稀釋劑等)進行隔離和適當的儲存 Segregation and proper storage of flammable chemicals, e.g. paints, thinner, etc.

  4、保持所有的消防設施運作正常 All fire fighting equipment are under good working conditions

  七、質量系統的規范文件 Quality System Policies and Operating Procedures

  1、工廠組織架構圖 Factory Organization Chart

  2、質量主管的報告渠道 Reporting channel for persons in Quality Department

  3、質量主管的職責介定 Roles and Responsibilities of Key persons in Quality Organization

  4、對供應商的質量要求及監管 Vendor quality requirements and performance monitoring

  5、挑選供應商的手續及質量審查程序 Vendor selection procedures and quality assessment procedures

  6、各質檢崗位的工作指引 Operating procedures for individual Quality control stations

  7、工藝水平的檢查准則 Workmanship Acceptance/Rejection Criteria

  8、不良品處理程序 Nonconforming material handling procedures

  9、來料及退料管理 Incoming material handling and non-conforming material return procedures

  10、不良品的成因分析及改善措施成效追蹤紀錄 Defect analysis records and countermeasures monitoring

  11、質量管理系統的年檢計劃及年檢報告 Master schedule for internal quality system audit, reports of periodical internal quality system audit

  12、儀器校正計劃 Equipment Calibration Plan

  13、儀器校正紀錄 Equipment Calibration Records

  14、按質量管理系統的年檢結果擬定的改善計劃及成效追蹤紀錄 Improvement plan against periodical internal quality system audit results and countermeasures monitoring

  15、文件控制(含產品安全規范文件) Document control procedures (including product safety standards)

  16、設備保養及維修程序 Machines preventive maintenance and repair procedures

  17、供應商質量表現紀錄 Vendors quality performance records

  18、條碼掃描儀及條碼檢查程序 Barcode scanners and barcode verification procedures




上海超網作為驗廠咨詢品牌經過多年堅持不懈的努力,以“優質的服務,專業的輔導”成功的輔導全國各地的眾多大、中、小企業順利通過了驗廠。選擇超網您就選擇了成功,選擇了放心! 全球經濟復蘇的今天,搶先壹步,不要猶豫,通過驗廠,讓您外貿訂單接不停!誠邀上門洽談業務,見證實力!

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